11 things to do while start living by yourself

10KeyThings to do when start living by yourself

Because, what’s life without a bag full of embarrassing stories?

With time comes age, and with age, comes the burning passion of living alone in a land far, far away. You’ve always heard your elder brother narrate the awesome parties, and you cannot wait to have one of your own.

When you move out for the first time, you might find yourself with endless possibilities of living your dream life, but behold! Here are 11 things that you would rather keep in mind, so that the happy bubble of freedom never raptures!

1. Never miss your mother’s phone call – Taking cues from stereotypes and confirmed stories, it is (always) the mother that remains forever-worried, while you revel in your newly found freedom. In such situations, make it a point to never miss a call from your parents, especially your mother. Never fall asleep with your phone in silent mode, or else the next thing you might succumb to is a week’s stock of angst blasted out to you in one ballistic minute. Moral: Always – ALWAYS – receive your mother’s phone call.

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2. Learn to feed yourself –For many people, food is a delicacy that only magical hands can cook, and you have always been at the other end of the table (literally). Once you start living alone, make sure you are capable of making the very basic dishes, so that you do not lie starving on crisis days. P.S. Eggs. Coffee. Instant Noodles. Repeat.

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3. Party like never before – You may have moved out of your home for the first time because of work/higher studies, but those ravishing party stories formed a major part of plans for your new life. Go out, and make a few crazy memories (let’s not talk of what all could they be). You may not instantly remember all of it in the dazed morning that usually follows, and many embarrassing snippets will slowly come back to you, but five years later, these are the moments you will smile back upon.

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4. …But, save some money – One thing that you will suddenly have is restricted monthly ‘budgets’. Sadly, you will probably not have your father around to bail you out every time you overshoot a restaurant bill. Live life large, but always remember to save a little bit at the end of each month. This way, you will have a considerable amount of money with you, which will come of use in multiple other situations (oh, it will).

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5. Go on unplanned road trips – If you’ve always moaned about your parents never allowing you out after ‘late’ hours, this is your chance. Seize it, and head out for paranthas or pancakes on the highway, hill station weekends, or simply, breathtaking drives that make you see the world you’ve only ever dreamt of.

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6. Buy a shrill alarm clock – Sure, all the late night reveries are a lot of fun, but one thing that becomes increasingly difficult is to wake up on time. Unfortunately, you will have to do this all by yourself, and this is where the old-fashioned alarm clocks come in. Buy the one that has the shrillest sound, and is the most difficult to stop. That way, you may just end up saving your work contract, or your degree.

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7. Go on a food trail – New cities are heaven for souls that love exploring new places. Once you shift to a new place, you have the freedom to go anywhere that your heart feels like. Look up on the Internet, grab a friend, and start blazing a food trail of sorts all across the new city. You can also go alone if you love getting lost, only to find your way back again.

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8. Buy new underwear and toothbrush, regularly – All those tiny instances that we never notice, while at home! Make sure you have all your essentials in place, and you do not get stuck with all things awkwardly wrong.

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9. Date without being paranoid – New cities almost always mean that there are no over-curious relatives or neighbours to pry on your deeds. Finally, you can go out on dates, without having to play the “closest friend” card every now and then.

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10. Learn the local language – Our world has more languages than the number of fries in a McDonalds meal, and wherever you move out to, chances are that you are not adept at its local language. While you’ll surely pick up the choicest words and phrases over time, put in some extra effort, and learn it well. The world will suddenly seem warmer!

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11. Grow up and Learn to decide by yourself – Not like you’d have been Benjamin Button had you not moved out of home sweet home, but staying by yourself in a new city makes you realise a lot of things about yourself, that you never knew existed. It is here that you will grow up – because, it will not be an option any longer, it is a necessity.

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Living alone, or living away, is not the dream parade that you think it is. Once you reach there, you have a myriad reactions, often undergoing changes in lifestyle, friends, living habits, and a lot of things. Above all, living alone is a crucial step that makes you take decisions, and develop maturity, like nothing else. The above eleven points are almost absolutely sure to happen to you, and it’s best if you go prepared for everything. Here’s to a great life ahead!

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